Moving Philly Forward, PHL Young Dems, Indivisible Philadelphia, and Turn PA Blue Present:
Election Night Party in Philly!
Whether you've been running for office yourself -- or supporting the election of Democrats with your activism, phone banking, civil engagement, or even just with your vote at the ballot box -- we've come a long way in our fight for Democratic values. Let's get together to let loose for a night and launch the official start of the #BlueWave2018!
We're throwing this party for you. Let's celebrate all your hard work with the single best election night blowout in Philly!
Guest MC, popular PA State Rep, Brian Sims, will keep us all psyched as we keep an eye on the primary results, hear from folks who were working the polls, and mostly have fun, raise a glass (we'll have drink specials), and get newly invigorated for November. Come on out, toast to your neighbors running for local office, and heartily cheers your fellow MPFers, PHL Young Dems, Indivisible Philadelphians, Turn PA Blue folks, and other local organizers, civil servants, activists, friends, and community members.
We're coming for ya, midterms!
What: Election Night Party in Philly
When: Tuesday, May 15th | 7:30 PM
Where: U-Bahn, 1320 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, 19107
Why: You've been working hard. Let's celebrate and look towards November! Woot.